Thursday, March 31, 2011


I made it.  Literally...I made a headband from yesterday's whiny post...and I made it through a really hard day.  Sooo glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Ok, so these are horrible pictures.  Mostly because they were taken with the camera built into my laptop...I think we'll live though! 

I decided to sew it a little differently than the tutorial I followed...but I love the results!  It took a little bit longer and it was worth it!  I think I'm going to wear it to work tomorrow!  ANDDD then again a day next week since I'm heading to a class instead of to school (which means I get to sleep in...just a little bit!  Ok, like 15 minutes...but STILL!).  Who knows though, I just might have to make a couple more!

Edit: Here's how I wore my new headband on Friday!  Jon decided to rig the sink as an April Fools that's why I'm drenched!  Thank goodness I didn't use the sink before work!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I wish I was doing this...

Right now I'm reading for a class I'm taking.  But I can't focus.  Not one bit.  I'm overwhelmed right now.  When I'm stressed I just want to create things.  Divert my focus.  Get lost in a project.  However, I know that if I start a project I'll just do three more.  It's a "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" sorta problem.  These are a few of the projects I WISH I could do right now...

Flower Petal Pillow by Cluck Cluck Sew!
Log Cabin and Circle Pillows from Made on Maple
Pleated Headbands by Craftiness is not optional
Ruffle Scarf from The Pleated Poppy
 Back to work for now.  Hopefully I'll have a finished product picture to post this weekend...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Sewing Lesson

I started sewing when I was 6 years old.  My Mom and Dad could tell that I loved to do creative things, so they signed me up for sewing lessons through my aunt's neighbor.  I went every Wednesday for an hour all through elementary school (1st-6th grades).  I made vests, dresses, and every Christmas a new polar fleece neck know, because that's necessary for Michigan winters!  With everything I sewed I used Gutermann thread.  I wan't allowed to use anything else on the sewing teachers machines.  That was a rule.  Now, a decade later, I still stick to Gutermann.  I've never bought anything else.  It was just habit to pick up a spool of Gutermann everytime I started a new project.  It would be betrayal to sew with anything else, right?  

Well, Bitsy found a BRAND NEW spool of white thread awhile ago.  ---Brand.Stinking.New---  She decided to pull it all apart as I sat at my machine, earbuds in, and completely unaware of what she was doing. 
 Here's her handiwork.  She destroyed it.  Totally and completely.  It was a challenge though, I'm sure of that.  She was quiet for a long time.  I knew that even with my earbuds in...I just thought she was napping, or chewing a bone.  What makes me the maddest is knowing that I didn't have a 40% off coupon when I bought it at JoAnn's.  So there goes $5.  Not the end of the world...but still a bummer!
Silly pup wanted it again...a week or two later when I finally got around to taking a picture of it.  Lesson learned: Don't leave thread out at puppy level...ever.  Thankfully this is one of a small handful of things Bitsy has destroyed.  She's been a great dog and with the exception of her toys she really hasn't wrecked anything of great value.